Club Hope: May 2017

Club Hope this weekend was a blast! 79 kids attended, including 14 new kids! 3 children made decisions for Jesus, and God provided all the volunteers we needed – even those we didn’t know we’d need! Check out this post from Jeb and the photo gallery from this month below.

"If you have ever helped out at a Club Hope event before and gone on the bus either for pick up or drop off you know that this is the most stressful time of the event. The roles for our bus monitors include crowd control for the children, giving them wristbands, and building relationships with them. It sounds nice and neat on paper, but those of you who have been there know better than to assume it is smooth sailing. Often the trickiest part can be making sure every child has a wristband so that we know which bus they are to get on for the return trip. But there is something that we do that is not easy by any means, yet really stands out to me as something special.
We write each child’s name on his or her wristband every Club Hope event we have. While this does help us remember their names, I believe it goes beyond just having a quick way to know a child’s name. It shows that they are more than just a headcount, more than another mouth to feed, more than a number. Every child is so unique and significant, and we want them to feel that way! They are constantly bombarded with the lie that they need to be a certain way to fit in or need to do certain things to be accepted, but that is the polar opposite of what God wants for them. He made them differently so that they would, in fact, be DIFFERENT. Even for the regular kids who come all the time, we are sure to write their names on their wristbands because they need to know that we love them for who they are. And more importantly, God loves them for who they are.
Why did this stick out to me? I mean, we have been putting names on their wristbands for a few years now, so why now? I believe that God is reminding me that maybe He isn’t looking for quantity right now. Maybe He is more concerned with the quality. The quality of treatment we give to those that we are currently impacting. The Bible says in Luke 16:10, “Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much…” and right now we are entrusted with a few kids. Will we someday record hundreds of kids at our events? Perhaps. After all that is the big picture goal. But we must first be faithful in what we have now."
- Jeremiah (