June 8, 2024

Well, the first big step is done! We have sold our house and moved out and into our RV! We feel more free to do and go whatever and wherever God guides!

For now we are at a campground in Monson. We have taken a couple of days to get set up here and also are helping Cameron and his family move into their new home! These are exciting times for sure.

Our Impact Club Training day is two weeks from today so we are getting things ready for that. Our tee shirts are in and we are prepping our project sometime next week. Please be praying that all goes smoothly- including internet connection here at the campground! We are working on things that require connection and it tends to be spotty.

It was really quiet here over the last few days, but now that the weekend is here we are seeing people- which means opportunities to share Jesus! Please pray that God leads us to people who are seeking Him!