June 13, 2024

We have been living the “bus life” for a little over a week now, and are adjusting quite well! We have met a few people here at the campground and have begun to tell what our life is all about- sharing the hope of Jesus with kids and families all over. We have planted seeds and are looking for every opportunity to water them.

Yesterday Erika, Leah, and Micah went to a friend’s house to do prep work for the project we will be doing with the children in Springfield during our week of Impact Clubs. It was great! It is SUCH a bonus to spend time with people who live and breathe GOD! The work was tedious, but the time flew by as we shared testimonies and just praised God for who he is and what he is doing! Leah and Micah drank it all in as well. Wallace and Deborah are great role models for our teenagers, and we thank God for them!

Matt has been super busy with getting our bus all in order and arranging for our travel plans. He has been in touch with some incredible people who love God and have a heart for evangelism as well as encouraging and discipling the body of Christ. Looking forward to whatever it is God has in store for our family!