June 30, 2024

What a month! As it closes out we have much to share. So much of it has to do with us as the Currier family. It feels like this has been boot camp. We have had trials, temptations, challenges, and a huge dose of God’s faithfulness!

We needed to get the Mission in order for our time away. There was cleaning and organizing and removal of broken appliances as well as bringing in of working ones! The building will still be open for prayer though as a couple of men will have access to it to host prayer meetings there.

We spent time prepping one of our projects for ministry. It was HOT!

One tradition that has been a part of our family since October 2009 is Early Bird. It is a time of devotion by Matt and the recording of prayer requests, answers, and blessings, and then ending with a time of prayer together. We have around 3,000 prayer requests & answers, and hundreds of blessings recorded in our Early Bird notebook. Our numbers have dwindled with only 4 regular attendees now (LOL), but we have continued it on our bus. It is SO encouraging to be reminded of God’s faithfulness over the years!

We have also enjoyed time around a campfire at night. This particular night we had roasted marshmallows followed by worship, communion, and prayer. It was very special!

Another piece of exciting news is that God worked it out for us to buy another Skoolie from fellow Believers. It is more suitable for us to live in full time and we are looking forward to the maintenance work to be done so that we can move in and head to the Carolinas! We had planned for July 2nd, but it is more likely to be closer to the 5th. Please pray for all the details to work out and that we can get on the road ASAP!

We will keep you posted- thank you for your prayers!